People in Asheville have been experiencing lower number of hours at work, reductions in income, escalating medical bills and failing commercial ventures such as rental properties. The result is more people suffering, and more people seeking relief from the bankruptcy court.
Sadly, before recognizing the benefits of a bankruptcy filing, many members of our community struggle for months, even years, before recognizing the need to exercise their legal rights. Many people only seek the advice of an attorney as a last resort.
The reason to speak with an attorney as soon as you sense financial danger is that your creditors already have attorneys on retainer who jump in and take action as soon as it makes financial sense for their corporations to do so. By understanding your rights up front, you can reduce stress, make better decisions, and achieve the best financial result for your family.
Free consultations are available for those of you suffering. If you are in Western North Carolina, I would be pleased to speak with you during a free, initial consultation.