Most people I represent are concerned about their 341 meeting where they can be asked questions by the trustee assigned to their case. It’s court. Creditors are invited to come too. Sounds scary, right?
The truth is that most of the 341 meetings last about 10 minutes, and are much less stressful than my clients imagine them to be. The key is to file a quality petition, and fill it with the type of information which the trustee needs in order to do their job correctly.
Bankruptcy is a bargain. The federal government offers relief to people who qualify. In exchange for complete honesty, my clients can expect a discharge of their debts. When we work together, our job is to deliver a clear picture of your financial situation. By being thorough and accurate, we make the trustee’s job a lot easier. Listing all assets is essential, and I tell all my clients that they need to list everything they own, or they are putting their unlisted possessions at risk.
Here are some of the questions you can expect from a trustee after we file a petition together:
- Do you still live at this address?
- How did you value your home? (I can help you with this when we draft our petition!)
- Has your employment changed?
- Are the petitions you signed truthful and accurate as far as you know?
I attend all 341 meetings with my clients, and aim to deliver a pleasant experience for all parties involved. If you have any questions , do not hesitate to contact me.