If I File A Bankruptcy Case, Will It Destroy My Credit Score?

As an Asheville bankruptcy attorney, I spend a large portion of initial consultations discussing the negative consequences of filing a case.One fear which is often overblown, in my view, is the effect of a filing on your credit score.  Many folks incorrectly think they will not ever have access to credit again or will not…

Paying Back a Family Member? Read This First

As an Asheville bankruptcy lawyer, I frequently advise people against filing a bankruptcy case when they have recently paid back a relative or family member.Making gifts or large payments to family members on the eve of bankruptcy can limit your debt relief options.Much better results can be achieved by filing a bankruptcy case first, and…

Creditors Keep Calling. Should I Answer?

As a bankruptcy attorney in Asheville, NC, many of my potential clients ask about what they should tell creditors who call repeatedly.The creditor conversations usually go similar to this hypothetical conversation: “Sir, if we don’t receive at least $100 this month, we are going to be forced to take legal action.” Or, “This debt is…

A collector is threatening to sue me. Am I judgment proof?

As a bankruptcy attorney in Asheville, close to half of the people I meet for free, initial consultations are judgment proof.  This means creditors have virtually no way to collect money or property from them under North Carolina law.  You are judgment proof if all of the property you own fits within the North Carolina…

Is my 2012 tax refund protected if I file a bankruptcy case?

As an Asheville bankruptcy lawyer, I help people protect various assets.  This is called exempt property.  In over 90 percent of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases I file, all of the property my clients own fits within the North Carolina or Federal Bankruptcy exemptions.  They get to keep all their property. One type of asset…

3 Bankruptcy Keys To Success

As an Asheville bankruptcy lawyer, I speak with people every day who are upset and overwhelmed by their financial situation.  If they could work harder, make more money, and pay back all their debts, they would.  Unfortunately, in today’s economy, it is frequently not that easy.  When called upon, my job is to help honest…

Collections Lawsuit. Is my property going to be seized?

Many bankruptcy clients wait until they get served by the sheriff with a collections lawsuit before seeking help with their financial problems. Better results can be achieved by acting earlier, but all is not lost merely because a lawsuit has been initiated.  My first reaction when fielding such a desperate call is, “Do not panic,…