What To Do When Considering Bankruptcy

I thought I’d share a few “todo”‘s to keep in mind while you’re considering bankruptcy: 1. Keep your retirement account safe. Your retirement account can often be completely exempted from the bankruptcy. Don’t solve a problem today only to have a bigger one years from now. 2. Get your tax returns filed and keep copies.…

Free, Good Bankruptcy Sites

I thought I’d let you know about a few great websites for getting bankruptcy information. First is the website of the US Courts themselves. http://www.uscourts.gov/bankruptcycourts.html They have some really good overviews about the bankruptcy process. Another reliable site is the ABI Consumer Center, http://consumer.abiworld.org Finally, make sure you check out http://www.bankruptcylawnetwork.com . That blog is…

Can I Save Money After My Bankruptcy?

Not only can you save money, but saving money and stashing it away for a rainy day is something you should do after your bankruptcy.  Filing a bankruptcy by itself is not a solution to financial difficulty, but it can give you another chance at financial health.  Sometimes bankruptcy is inevitable because of a huge…